Ozmen Consultancy MENÜ

About M.Mahir Ozmen


Professor of Surgery  

Istinye University, School of Medicine, Department of Surgery, Istanbul

Professor Ozmen graduated from Ankara University Medical School In 1989. He became a general surgery specialist in 1995 and received MS (Master of Surgery) degree – which is PhD equivalent – in the field of gastrointestinal surgery in 1997 at University of Southampton-UK.
He became an Associate Professor of Surgery in 1999 and a Professor of Surgery in 2010 at Hacettepe University Medical School. He acted as the Head of Emergency Medicine Department between 2011-2013 and worked as full-time Professor of Surgery at Department of General Surgery, Medical School, Hacettepe University, between 2010-2016. He has been working as Medical Director of Liv Hospital Ankara since june 2016. He was Professor of Surgery at Bahcesehir University, Medical School, Istanbul between 2016-2017.

He is Professor of Surgery at Department of Surgery, Istinye University, School of Medicine. He worked in Southampton University, Southampton-UK and AZ Maria Middelares Hospital in Ghent-Belgium between the years of 1993-1996, in the fields of general, gastro-intestinal and advanced laparoscopic surgery; He worked in Norfolk and Norwich Hospital-UK and Southampton University-UK again at various times in 1996-1997 in the fields of gastrointestinal surgery; In 2000-2001 he worked in Cambridge University, Addenbrooke’s Hospital, Cambridge and Kings College Hospital, London-UK in the field of multi-organ transplantation (kidney and liver). He received his sub-speciality diploma on surgical Oncology in 2012 He was awarded with FACS from American College of Surgeons, USA and FRCS from the Royal College of Surgeons and Physicians of Glasgow, UK. Additionally he also has FEBS from UEMS-European Board of Surgery and FASMBS from American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery. 

He is currently the president of Turkish Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery (TSMBS); Vice-President of Turkish Surgical Society (TSS); Governor for Endoscopic Laparoscopic Surgeons of Asia (ELSA) and Councillor for International Association for Trauma and Surgical Critical Care (IATSIC). He was Vice-President of Turkish Association of Trauma and Emergency Surgery (TATES); General Secretary of Accreditation Council of Turkish Surgical Society, member of the Education & Training Committee of European Association for Endoscopic Surgery (EAES). 

He has over 200 international scientific publications; over 50 book chapters and 15 books in the field of surgery. He has around 2000 citations. He acted and currently acting as editor, editorial board member or member of publication committee of many national and international scientific journals.
He acted as publication committee member of popular science journals including NTV-Bilim and TUBITAK Bilim ve Teknik Dergisi.

He has given around 200 conferences and panel talks in the fields of surgery, surgical management, surgical oncology, surgical technology including laparoscopic and robotic surgery.

HAKKIMIZDA Ozmen Consultancy93B Old Church Road London E4 6ST