Ozmen Consultancy MENÜ

Financial Management Consulting

Financial Management Consulting

Traditionally, the finance function has been viewed as a transactional processing department that exists only to meet statutory compliance requirements. In today’s rapidly changing operational environment, this is no longer the case.

An effective finance function is now critical to enabling institutional success. The role of today’s finance function has broadened – in addition to meeting statutory requirements, successful finance executives are partnering with the Board and other C-suite members to build and execute on longer term strategy.

Mr. Ozmen  is now expected to:

  • Meet statutory requirements and be prepared for regulatory change
    Engage and collaborate with the broader institution to effect strategic decision making
  • Manage efficient and effective core financial processes through the use of technology, automation and continual improvement
  • Be responsible for the appropriate capture, storage and analysis of institutional data (in real time)
  • Have in place appropriate governance and controls throughout the institution
  • Prepare timely, informative reports for a range of management levels (including, Board, C-suite, operational management) to enable informed decision making.
  • Our specialist financial management consultants support clients to establish, enhance, review and reposition appropriately scaled finance functions so that the finance team and the institution is geared for success.

Financial Consulting Services Mr.Ozmen offers also include:

Finance and reporting function alignment
Finance function transformation
Reporting (board, executive and management)
Financial governance
Contract accounting / insourced accounting services
Financial accounting software deployment.

HAKKIMIZDA Ozmen Consultancy93B Old Church Road London E4 6ST