Institutional Structure Consulting
The harmonious functioning of the system is an indicator of the effectiveness and productivity of the organization. Each institution consists of many subsystems, and each subsystem has its own structure and functions.
Institutional consulting allows you to study all parts of the system separately, analyse the shortcomings that have arisen or arise, and add new building blocks that will fill or compensate for the shortcomings on the way to the goals and clarify the planned actions. All these studies are developed and carried out in accordance with the personality and goals of the institution. It offers a kind of examination, diagnosis, diagnosis and treatment process for your institution.
Corporate consulting services include analysis and improvements to increase employee loyalty, regulate their relationships with leaders and managers, increase employee productivity and satisfaction, and improve the organization’s functionality and productivity. The high satisfaction of the staff of the institution increases the quality of the work performed in this institution.
Goal Setting
The expectations and needs of corporate executives are taken into a comprehensive assessment through expert analysis. Points to be developed as part of the monthly and annual plan are identified.
Clarification of goals is very important. In this process, in accordance with the goals and objectives, seminars, intra-departmental trainings, group work for teams, advisory support, coach services will be planned according to need, and a route for implementation will be determined.
In practice, training aimed at the need for active participation should be carried out considering the time that will be most effective for company employees.
From individual happiness and satisfaction of employees to the needs of teams and departments, with the active participation of management, when necessary, the content of applied and oral programs aimed at increasing motivation, team awareness and employee satisfaction is fully prepared for institutions.
Corporate Governance, Consulting and the Health Sector
Institutionalization is the formation of structures and processes in the company that allow managers to work without reference to the personal methods of managers. An understanding of corporate governance is essential to the sustainability of corporate assets and reputation.
The existing top management structures of companies are assessed within the framework of the Corporate Governance Principles, and the senior management structure (Board of Directors, the Committee for Early Identification of Risks, the Audit Committee, etc.), which should be created in accordance with the Corporate Governance Principles, is determined together with the job descriptions and working methods, and their powers and responsibilities are documented.
For effective and efficient delegation of authority as an important step in corporate governance, the current limits of approval and authority are determined as a result of meetings with the Board of Directors, senior management and relevant process owners, and an authority matrix is created based on the position for all processes.
Support For Medical Companies
We support our clients in creating a plan that will ensure the transfer of company management to future generations and affect the company, family and important managers. As part of the services we provide, a leadership and management structure is formed in accordance with the characteristics of the Company and its stage, a successor is determined and a roadmap for the transfer process is created.
Purpose Of Consulting Service
The goal of research on institutional restructuring in hospitals is to determine the hospital’s work system and administrative structure; ensure that the hospital achieves its goals and objectives effectively, and that the projects promised to citizens contribute to the growth of provinces / districts or areas served better, so that they can more easily implement the implementation strategy.
To achieve this goal;
– Measurement of the degree of satisfaction of the population with the fulfilment of the obligations assigned by law to hospitals,
– Identification of failures and positive aspects through public surveys,
– Summarizing the positive aspects, identifying the causes of the negative aspects and creating solutions based on elimination,
– Ensuring coordination of duties, powers and responsibilities for various departments and divisions in the organization through the study of the organizational structure, which is believed to increase the efficiency of service,
Work will be done to create and / or review all personnel management systems by ensuring that the workflow is set to a specific standard.