Ozmen Consultancy MENÜ

Extended Internal Analysis

Importance of Corporate Structure for Hospitals

Daron Acemoglu and James A. Robinson say that in the history of mankind, the reason why some countries are richer and some countries are poorer in the history of mankind is due to inclusive institutions. In the process of globalization, the link between the culture of democracy and development and the institutional structure has strengthened.

The institutional structure is organized in society, and at the same time, social relations that bear a historical dimension are norms created by people. These norms are also rules defining the boundaries of institutions and democracy.

Traditional and social institutions; government, family, education, law, economics, politics and religion. The state is based on law, social and personal justice, which maintains order and stability in society, regulates family, gender relations, relations between parents and children, provides education and individuals for harmonious participation in public life, provides knowledge and skills, regulates the economy, production and consumption. 

Institutional Structure

The law establishes written rules governing contractual relations and activities of firms, constitutions, laws and other legal norms governing the financial sector and society. In this sense, it is a determining factor in economic relations. Traditions are an accumulation of the historical past and form the relationship between religion, worldly and future life in non-secular countries.

For example, Latin culture and Anglo-Saxon culture are different cultures. Latin countries are more tax sensitive. In these countries, informality is more common. The share of indirect taxes is higher in Latin countries.

Institutional Features Of The Building

The cultural structure may vary even within the same country. When exploring groups of different cultures living in different parts of the United States, German-Catholic people are more dependent on their land. They had more children to provide labour in agriculture. They do not buy or sell land, and their reaction to technological developments is not positive.

In traditional societies, there is a wider response to changing institutions and lagging time. The reason for this is the uncertainty of change and some of the opportunities offered by the existing institutional structure.

Advice On Quality Management In Hospitals

It aims to provide information on the concept of quality in hospitals, customer satisfaction and quality measurement, teamwork, a philosophy of continuous improvement, the quality accreditation process and the quality certification processes of medical services of the Ministry of Health. It aims to support research related to the acquisition of ISO certificates, the creation of structures that comply with standards, and the elimination of process flaws.

Corporate Identity Branding In Medical Institutions

Corporate identity with a review; this is the way an institution expresses itself. All actions that determine how the company will be perceived as representation; corporate identity process. The meaning of identity is an expression of value that derives from the brand’s contribution to self-expression. Corporate identity is also a value of consumers. Corporate identity for healthcare facilities; This is all the activities carried out on the path to becoming a brand, creating a difference in work, having a direct impact on the wishes and expectations of the client.

The study of corporate identity for medical institutions; ethical quality, continuity, technological modernization, attention to patients and hospitals. This accelerated in parallel with an increase in the number of private hospitals.

Institutions that intend to compete in medical facilities, compete with public hospitals and become large institutions in the health sector have accelerated this process. After registering old names, more modern names, TSE certificate, research and quality and accreditation projects carried out in cooperation with internationalization, as well as with the university, this is a step forward. Institutions that find it difficult to find and hire qualified employees and who want to continue working, improving the quality of their services, have begun to take a step forward and prepare their own workforce.

Corporate Governance in Hospitals

Corporate governance; consists in measuring and improving the results of the company, focused on the principles of corporate governance. A performance measurement helps determine how far an organization has progressed in accordance with its predetermined strategic goals and objectives, its strengths and weaknesses, and its future priorities. Therefore, for business, efficiency is a set of efforts to show whether goals are achieved.

As stated in the literature, measuring health system performance is important in two ways: first, it helps explain why countries have failed at the same income levels in issues such as defining health systems and responding to people’s expectations for funding and achieving similar health care levels; secondly, it presents indicators that will allow you to evaluate the health system by year.

Although institutionalization is very important for all social structures, it is more important for healthcare enterprises. As key elements of a corporate governance approach; justice, accountability, transparency and accountability. According to the Corporate Governance Association, which is one of the most active non-governmental organizations in this area, the basic principles of corporate governance, which are generally accepted and affirmed, are: equity, responsibility, transparency and responsibility.

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